If you own a KitchenAid stand mixer, these stand-mixer decals are a must-have to impress your guests. Dress up your mixer with these cool patterns or cooking-related words to add a touch of personal style to your kitchen.
Let’s explore our list of unique and stylish decals that can add a spark of personality to your mixer.

Cookie Monster Mixer Decal: This is a very cute mixer decal with a text “Are you making cookies?!”, quite meaningful!

Chemist Vinyl Decal Set for Kitchen Mixer: A great decal for home cooks and chefs who works like chemists.

Colorful Cupcakes Vinyl Decals: Here is a fun way customize your mixer with delicious looking cupcakes.

Peeking Kitty Vinyl Decal For Kitchen Mixer: This is a perfect way to personalize your mixer if you love cats.

Kitchen Aid Mixer Cover: This is not a decal but we want to include this cover too because it is very useful. It looks good and keeps the dust out. It also has pockets for storing your recipes and attachments.

Pretty Lily and Garden Flower Mixer Decal: What about customizing your mixer with flowers?

Subway Style Baking Cookies Black Decals: Another great KitchenAid mixer decal which looks very cool, we love the font very much.