How to Choose a Coffee Maker

Coffee Machine, Coffee MakerWith so many good coffee makers in stores, it’s not easy to buy one today. Picking the best coffee maker can be hard because there are a lot of things to think about when you want a coffee machine for your home or office. Here are some things you should ask yourself before you buy a coffee maker, along with some advice to help you pick the right one for you.

Where will you use your coffee machine?
Some are for home use, others are for the office. Think about how you plan to use the coffee machine and how many coffee-lovers there are. This is important because the usage frequency and number of users will directly influence the size, durability, and features needed in your coffee machine.

When will you use your coffee maker?
Do you drink coffee in the morning, afternoon, or keep a pot brewing all day? This is significant to understand because your coffee consumption pattern can guide your choice towards a coffee maker with suitable capacity and heat-retention/keep warm function.

What size coffee maker do you need?
Count the coffee drinkers and how many cups you all drink each day. Common sizes are 4-cup, 10-cup, and 12-cup makers.

How long does your coffee stay in the pot?
Do you prefer a coffee maker that keeps coffee warm for hours without burning it, or do you enjoy fresh coffee in the morning and afternoon? If you want warm coffee for hours, consider a drip coffee maker that fills a thermos carafe.

Do you use one kind of coffee, or like variety?
Some single-serve systems use pre-measured coffee pods. Some even include the filter and brewer in the pod.

How much are you willing to pay for your coffee machine?
What features do you want? How much are you ready to spend? There are models available at various price points, and understanding your budget and desired features can help narrow down the options to find the perfect fit for your needs.

Other Tips

  • An automatic shutoff is good – it ensures you don’t leave the coffee maker on all day.
  • If you grind your own beans, some models have a built-in coffee grinder.
  • If tap water isn’t great, consider a coffee maker with a built-in water filter.

Finally, even with the priciest coffee maker, the key to good coffee is the water you use and the quality of your coffee.